Revelstoke Electric

We deliver quality electrical work to every project, from start to finish.

Customer Testimonials

"As a first time home builder, I hired Revelstoke Electric to install all electrical services in my home. I always felt like they were on my side, and I'd hire them again in a heartbeat."
Joe Lammers
"Dan and his team are masters of their trade! Would definitely recommend them as the best option for your projects in Revelstoke."
Travis Ingles
"Professional, fast, and friendly. Dan's team knows their stuff."
Ian Houghton

About Us What We Do

Revelstoke Electric is proud to provide Revelstoke with quality electrical services.

We understand the unique electrical challenges residents and businesses face in Revelstoke and are happy to help our customers overcome them.

Our team has the knowledge and experience to provide quality care and long-term solutions to any issue. We are proud to offer Revelstoke green energy solutions, including solar installations.

Our professionals are also adept at installing Specialized Lighting Controls and Lutron Blinds. No matter the electrical service, we have someone who can help.